Sunday, January 9, 2011

Pen Tool (advanced functions and how to use advance functions)

This is the second part of Pen Tool tutorial. Here we are going to explain advance features of pen tool. In present pen tool is widely use as a multi purpose tool. Ok 1st we are going to use pen tool as a selection tool.

1. Using Pen Tool as a selection tool.

To use pen tool to make selections you need to create path around the object that you want to select. Usually pen tool paths automatically filling with fill color while drawing paths. We should create paths without fill color. Because we can’t see the image we are going to select. To remove the fill color you need to enable the path only option in the option bar. It will only allow you create path without fill colors.

Now we are going to convert the drew path to selection.  Right click on the path using pen tool. And select the make selection option in the drop down menu.

After that you can see the path is converted to a selection.

How to create custom Flash Masking Effect

Hey guys today we are going to make a custom flash masking effect by using adobe flash Cs3 professional.

1st you need to create a blank action script 2.0 or 3.0 file.  Then you can set the document dimensions as you want.

After that draw your mask shape with black colour. You can use your own or basic shape. Then align the object to top right on document.  Convert it to movie clip and give the name as my_mc.  And set the register pointer as top right corner. (Here I’m using square as mask shape)

Now double click on it and go  move into the my_mc movie clip. Again convert the square into movie clip and name it inside_mc and set registration point as center point. go inside inside_mc  movie clip, now  you can animate your  mask as you wish. I’m going to use zoom in and out motion. But remember mask will not allow using alpha effect for your objects. So even you use alpha effect for your movie clip it will not display that effect.

Ok, now initial animation of  your masking is done. Go back into the my_mc and make copies of it. To fulfill your document area appropriately . but there is a problem to do that. Because u cant imagine the dimensions of inside _mc. To  avoid that go back into the inside_mc and create a square with same dimensions of your masking square.

After creating full mask you can see your mask inside the my_mc as below.

When you finished, you can simple remove the square that you have created inside th inside_mc. When you remove that others will automatically disappeared  (because we use the same copy of inside_mc). Then my_mc  should looks like below.

Now your mask is finished. You can use this mask in various styles by changing the motion, frame rate or key frames of time line. Some sample are shown below.

07 swf,08 swf

Pen tool (basic functions and how to use basic features)

Today we are going to talk about photoshop pen tool and it’s functions. You can select pen tool in photoshop by clicking on it symbol or press p on keyboard.

Ok. Let’s talk about pen tool.  Pen tool is created for drawing line. Lines can be curves or direct lines, you can draw objects using pen tool. If you want to draw objects with rounded corners you can use pen tool. To draw curves, 1st you need to click on the canvas. When you click you can see a point like below.

Then you can click again on the canvas and hold your click. Then move your cursor, when you move cursor you can see the line you drew like curve, with handles. You change the bend of curve by mowing handles.

If you want to make a covered object, click on the started point. On the point cursor will show like below. Then it will be a covered object.

There is another way to edit shape of drew object. For that you need to select “Direct Selection Tool”, under the Path selection tool.

Now you can change the shape using direct selection tool. To do that, click on the shape twice to preview points of shape. Now select a handle and change the direction and position of it to change.

Above brief explanation is helpful to beginners to understand the basic functions and how to use the Pen tool. Hope you enjoy it.